Economics Today Magazine
《MG电子免费试玩》通过将理论应用于当前背景,将这一主题带入生活. Along the way, you’ll broaden, deepen and review understanding. 这本市场领先的出版物是六年级MG电子免费试玩的必读读物,也受到本科生和对经济学有更广泛兴趣的人的喜爱. And it’s now available in both print and digital formats. Join the thousands already seeing Economics everywhere!
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Our outstanding range of books
Our range of print books is tailored to exam board specifications: AQA, OCR, Edexcel Economics A and Edexcel Economics B. You’ll find books for each part of your specification, revision guides and our data packed, exam skill themed guide “The UK Economy (2022 edition)”. 新学年特别受欢迎的是我们新的微观和宏观书籍.
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Digital Books
Model answers to all A level questions
为AQA提供每个当前规格a级问题的范例答案, Edexcel ‘A’ and OCR, 涵盖2017年6月起的两个样本系列试卷和每个考试系列. 所有答案都是满分或非常接近满分,并附有对考试技巧的评论.
You can buy comprehensive packs, or answers by the paper, 或特定问题-我们的过滤器将帮助您找到您所需要的!
Model Answers
Teaching resources
我们正在为您建立我们的教学资源集合-我们很喜欢到目前为止我们所创建的所有反馈. Have a browse and please drop us a line at service@shuimiantie.net if there are resources you’d like to see us offer. 哦,如果你有很棒的资源,你已经创造,并希望从中赚取版税, please also get in touch!
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